Which Track on You On?
There are 2 tracks that are manifesting on this planet: the track of the finite where death, dying, stress, turmoil and confusion is experienced; and… Read More »Which Track on You On?
There are 2 tracks that are manifesting on this planet: the track of the finite where death, dying, stress, turmoil and confusion is experienced; and… Read More »Which Track on You On?
To create the life you want, one must start from a place of clarity. The most important of which is clarity about the environment you… Read More »How to Create the Life You Want
For many, just the thought of tackling getting organized, or start the process of decluttering, drains them of energy, puts them in a state of discouragement and a feeling of being out of control. Discover how you can rise above all of this and take back control of your time and space in your life ….
What does it mean to get physically fit and active? When you hear that term what does it mean to you? Do you feel a… Read More »Let’s Get Physical